
Your Weighing Partner


Accredited to UKAS ISO/IEC 17025:2017, we provide a weighing scale calibration service for all types of weighing equipment used in UK manufacturing.

Service & Repair

With 50 years’ experience in the weighing industry, we offer a comprehensive onsite and in-house repair service. Our extensive knowledge and experience means we can repair weighing equipment from all manufacturers. Ask us about our maintenance plans.

Machine Hire

We know that it’s not always cost effective to buy weighing equipment when you need it for short periods of time. We offer a range of products for hire on a weekly or monthly basis, just choose the timescale that suits your business operations.

Consultancy & System Design

One size certainly doesn’t fit all when it comes to weighing technology and every business – even in the same industry – is different. Your weighing equipment may need to be uniquely designed to support your operational processes. Get in touch.